
When it comes to securing your home what do you think of securing? We usually think of securing the outside of the building to prevent break ins, adding surveillance equipment and secure locking systems to the exterior. If you are a new parent you may not have thought about securing the inside of your property. We know we would do anything we could to protect our children from potential harm so securing the inside of your home is a must for any new parent.

It is impossible to be with our children 24/7, whether we are in the home or not. Below we detail 3 top security must haves for new and existing parents to ensure you can keep tabs on your children always, when present and away.

1. Video Surveillance Camera’s

Install video surveillance cameras to keep tabs on your children when you cannot be in the room. You can verify the safety of your child from anywhere in the house and only enter to check on them when necessary.

Tops tips

  • Conceal power cords; Use covers to hide cords.
  • Set motion sensor; Turn on motion detection to alert when movement is detected.
  • Place at safe distance; Place out of reach from a baby’s cot.
  • Consider vantage point; Make use of space by positioning camera at optimum vantage point.

2. Image Capture Sensors

Enable image sensors to keep track of your child around the home. Connect to your mobile device to receive instant image notifications.

Image sensors allow you to

  • Detect movement; Detect movement in the nursery and address immediately.
  • See instant images; See images when other security devices are triggered, such as a door alarm.
  • Receive notifications; Receive notifications when your child leaves a room or enters areas off limits.

3. Safety Locks

Install safety locks to prevent children from entering dangerous areas. Safety locks can be placed on cabinet doors that contain medicines or cleaning substances. Also use to prevent children from entering hazardous areas like the kitchen or utility room.

Top tips

  • Check lock installation; Ensure the locks are secure at all times.
  • Use a professional; Use a trustworthy professional to install or check installation of the locks.

General safety tips

As well as securing the inside of your home consider more general safety tips to ensure a maximum safe environment.

  • Secure furniture; Add brackets to wardrobes, cabinets, dressers and TVs to prevent them falling.
  • Be first aid aware; Take a course in CPR for life threatening emergencies and learn how to unblock airways.
  • Install fire guards; Add guards to open fires or fireplaces.
  • Install safety gates; Partition rooms with gates to prevent access to restricted areas.